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This page is being used to test various modules and templates.
The infobox on the right is Bane's testing version of ok22222's original one.
Character Card[edit | edit source]
Created by ok22222 based in part on design by Bane.
Description[edit | edit source]
This template is used to create a card for characters in Moonbounce. It takes in the name, number, image, rarity, description, and whether the character is craftable. The craftable parameter is optional. Still in development.
Usage[edit | edit source]
{{Character Card |name=Puff |image=Puff.png |rarity=rare |description=Ghostly grin, zero scares. A see-through buddy bringing laughs, not shivers. Spookiness? Nah, just playful antics. Levitating things, ghost-style. |craftable=yes |linktarget=Puff |number=199 }}
Output[edit | edit source]
Item Card[edit | edit source]
Created by ok22222.
Description[edit | edit source]
This template is used to create a card for items in Moonbounce. It takes in the title, image, rarity, and link target.
Usage[edit | edit source]
{{Card |title=Star Sickle |image=Star_Sickle.png |rarity=rare |linktarget=Star_Sickle }}
Output[edit | edit source]
Mini Items[edit | edit source]
Created by Bane.
Description[edit | edit source]
These take in just the item name and return the image of the item and the item name, both as links that go to the item page. They are centred, and can be used within other components.
Usage[edit | edit source]
{{MiniItem | name = Crumpled Metal }}
Output[edit | edit source]
Mini Item Row[edit | edit source]
Created by Bane.
Description[edit | edit source]
This takes in a list of items in the format ItemA,ItemB,ItemC
, and an optional header, and returns a table.
Usage[edit | edit source]
{{ItemRow | items = Banana,Candle,Branch | header = Ingredients }}
Output[edit | edit source]
Ingredients | ||
Items | ||
Simple Item Card[edit | edit source]
Created by Bane based on ok22222's original one.
Description[edit | edit source]
A simplified version of the card template that only takes in the item name and rarity, automatically generating the image and link for the item.
Usage[edit | edit source]
{{SimpleCard | name = Blue Robin Hat | rarity = Rare }}
Output[edit | edit source]
Quest[edit | edit source]
Created by Bane based on the Infobox.
Description[edit | edit source]
This template shows all the major parts of a Quest in a simple and easy to read section.
Usage[edit | edit source]
{{Quest |name=Black Market Dealings |description=Our buddy Jasper got banned from the marketplace for some nefarious dealings with the back end of the software. Something about him finding a bug in the system and it all went downhill from there. We were wondering if you could buy 5 Pastel Clusters from the marketplace and bring them back here. We’ll make sure he pays you well. |instance_type=one_time |quest_type=collect |prerequisites= |required_items=Pastel Cluster x5 |rewards=New Quest!, Pastel Shard Recipe }}