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Recipes are instructions for the Crafting Table. Most crafting recipes can be purchased with MP from the Recipes page in the Marketplace.

Seasonal recipes can generally only be obtained during their respective event.

Crafting Basics[edit | edit source]

Crafting recipes require up to 3 Materials, and sometimes require the use of up to 3 Tools. When a crafting recipe requires a tool, the tool is not destroyed in the process.

Crafting a recipe you do not have in your recipe book has a chance to fail, however if you own the recipe it will be successful every time.

When crafting a recipe successfully without owning it, it will be added to your recipe book for free.

Failure[edit | edit source]

When you fail to craft something you will create a Junk Item, and one of two messages can appear. These are:

Bummer![edit | edit source]

You combined several ingredients that do not make up any recipe.

Close![edit | edit source]

You combined several ingredients that do make up a recipe, but did not succeed in crafting.

Junk Items[edit | edit source]

Failing to craft an item or combining random items will result in receiving a one of the following Junk Items:

Crumpled Metal

Empty Bottle


Recipe List[edit | edit source]

Year-Long Recipes[edit | edit source]

Result = Ingredients + Tools

Seasonal Recipes[edit | edit source]

Summer[edit | edit source]

Result = Ingredients + Tools

Spring[edit | edit source]

Result = Ingredients + Tools

Holiday Recipes[edit | edit source]

Lunar New Year[edit | edit source]

Result = Ingredients + Tools

Valentines[edit | edit source]

Result = Ingredients + Tools

St. Patrick's[edit | edit source]

Result = Ingredients + Tools

Easter[edit | edit source]

Result = Ingredients + Tools

Halloween[edit | edit source]

Result = Ingredients + Tools

Christmas[edit | edit source]

Result = Ingredients + Tools

New Years 2024[edit | edit source]

Result = Ingredients + Tools

Partnership Recipes[edit | edit source]

Alien Food[edit | edit source]

Result = Ingredients + Tools

C Engineer[edit | edit source]

Result = Ingredients + Tools

Framed[edit | edit source]

Result = Ingredients + Tools

Josh Isn't Gaming[edit | edit source]

Result = Ingredients + Tools

Settled[edit | edit source]

Result = Ingredients + Tools

SoupRS[edit | edit source]

Result = Ingredients + Tools

Competitions[edit | edit source]

Jake Lucky / Starforge[edit | edit source]

Result = Ingredients + Tools

Updates[edit | edit source]

Crafting was introduced on 12/10/2023, its recipes limited with only three items having a use (Minor Magic Potion, Smooth Silk, and the Wizard Hat), you had the ability to unlock recipes but the only perk with that was a sort of "quick-dial" function, there was also a random chance that your crafting would be unsuccessful even if you had the recipe unlocked.

1-3 days after the Halloween Update (26/10/2023) a major overhaul was introduced, you could now buy recipes and crafting items from the Marketplace. Crafting chances were introduced depending on item rarity. All owned recipes would craft successfully regardless of rarity.